



この麦酒宿ランドリーは、海外のクラフトビールが飲めるから良い。あと、如何せん、食べ物がとても丁度よいサイズで出てくる。ということで、スペインのBasqueland NasareというIPA(West Coast IPA)とノルウェーのLervig Perler for Svin(New England IPA)を飲んできた。

Basqueland Nasare, 中華ガツ、タコとアサリの唐揚げ

Basqueland Nasareは非常に良いIPAで、スタンダードながらもかなりのコク的な風味があり、飲みごたえはあった。ホップ味も松味も中程度って感じである。苦味は個人的にはそんなに強くなかったが、ChatGPTに質問したところどうやらIBU 70から75もあるらしい。いや、絶対にそんなに苦くないと思うけどChatGPT。でも頼んだ中華ガツがかなりの辛さかつ味の濃さだったので、これだけ味の濃いIPAでもちょうど良かった。

ちなみに、以下がChatGPTのBasqueland Nasareのレビュー。質問は”Can you tell me review of Basqueland nasare IPA?”

Basqueland Nasare IPA is a craft beer that comes from the Basqueland Brewing Project, a brewery based in Spain. Here is a general review of the beer based on common features:

Aroma: Nasare IPA often features a strong, fruity aroma, with hints of tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple, and citrus. The hop character may also contribute floral and herbal notes.

Flavor: The beer typically offers a balanced taste profile, with a good blend of malty sweetness and hoppy bitterness. Flavors of tropical and citrus fruits are common, with a clean and refreshing finish.

Mouthfeel: Nasare IPA usually has a medium body and moderate carbonation, making it easy to drink and enjoy.

Overall Impression: Nasare IPA is often appreciated for its balanced flavor profile and refreshing character. It’s a solid choice for those who enjoy IPAs with a mix of fruity and hoppy notes.

Since Basqueland Nasare IPA is a craft beer, the specific taste and experience may vary depending on the batch and brewing process. You might find slight differences in the beer depending on when and where you try it. Overall, it’s generally well-regarded by craft beer enthusiasts.

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次に頼んだのが、Lervig Perler for Svin(New England IPA)。で、これ、最近流行り(かどうか知らんが、なんか最近はこの手の味のビールの流通が増えた気がする。)のあのパイナップル風味にパラメーターを振りまくったビールである。何度も聞くけど、みんなはこれが美味しいのだろうか。最近の若い人たちはこういうのが好きなんだろうか。やっぱり、ビールという酒は、ホップの風味と麦のバランスであり、そのためにはどうしようもなくホップの苦味を中心に考えるのが良いように思うのだが、どうなんだろうか。


Lervig Perler for Svin, 中華ガツ、タコとアサリの唐揚げ


Lervig Perler for Svin IPA is a well-regarded craft beer from the Norwegian brewery Lervig. This IPA is known for its quality and balance, and it often receives positive reviews from beer enthusiasts. Here are some features commonly associated with Lervig Perler for Svin IPA:

Aroma: The beer typically features a vibrant aroma of tropical and citrus fruits, such as grapefruit and pineapple, combined with hints of pine and floral notes from the hops.

Flavor: The flavor profile often includes a balanced mix of fruity and hoppy notes, with a moderate to high level of bitterness. The malt backbone provides some sweetness to balance the hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel: Perler for Svin IPA usually has a medium body with a moderate carbonation level, creating a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience.

Overall Impression: Lervig Perler for Svin IPA is often praised for its well-balanced flavor profile and drinkability. It’s a solid choice for IPA lovers who enjoy a mix of fruity and hoppy flavors with a moderate level of bitterness.

As with any craft beer, your personal taste preferences and experiences may vary, but Lervig Perler for Svin IPA is generally considered a high-quality and enjoyable IPA. Let me know if I can assist you with any other questions.

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